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In this section we provide you with answers to common technical questions, application drawings and information on our repair service for our products and the RTU86xx line of products.

Return Material Authorization Request Form.
Warranty information.
Frequently asked questions
FAQ's about 95RTU's and 214RTU's.
Technical Notes
TN214-1- 214/216/224/226 RTU Modbus Addressing.
TN214-2- Setting the baud rate on the RTU8171.
TN214-3- Starting point for calling user programs from within the modbus protocol.
TN214-5- RTU817x-m14 Memory Map, version 1.39 or earlier.
TN216-1- RTU817x-m16 Memory Map.
TN95-1- 95RTU Modbus Addressing.
Application Drawings
AD214-1 - CDR912-7 (S7-214, 216, 224 & 226 to 8171/8175) Cable Diagram.
AD95-1 - CDR1512 (S5-95U to 8191/8195) Cable Diagram.
ADCBL-1- CDR912-R (8191/8171 to Radio) Cable Diagram.
ADCBL-2- CDR2512-R (8191/8171 to Radio) Cable Diagram.
ADCBL-3- CDR912-I (8191/8171 to IBM-PC) Cable Diagram.
ADCBL-4- CDR2512-I (8191/8171 to IBM-PC) Cable Diagram.

1727 Via Rancho San Lorenzo, CA 94580 - 1-510-276-7103